In the Media

Fighting the coronavirus: How to get vaccines speedily to people who need them, once one has been found
By Bhaskar Dutta | 19 August 2020

Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz suggested a partial alternative to the patent system that would both incentivise research but avoid monopoly pricing. This involved a government creating a “Prize Fund”. The Fund would then award prizes to those companies that successfully develop preventions or treatments of diseases affecting large numbers of people.

How to pay for the stimulus
By Pulapre Balakrishnan | 6 August 2020

The media has recently reported some economists responding to the suggestion of money financing with the Friedmanesque quip “there ain’t no free lunch”. But it may be mentioned that there is no free lunch in the case of debtfinancing either. Not only have the moneys to be repaid, they will have to be paid back in hard currency.

AtmaNirbhar Bharat
By Pulapre Balakrishnan | 1 August 2020

I do not see the economic package unvelied by the PM contributing significantly even to a revival of the economy leave alone leading to self-reliance which is what ‘Atmanirbhar’ means.

Adopting a public systems approach to COVID-19
By Pulapre Balakrishnan | 29 July 2020

So, States of India harbouring greater wealth than most have registered a higher mortality rate from COVID-19 even as some with far less have succeeded in containing them…Clearly wealth is not always health; when an epidemic strikes public capital in the form of a strong health infrastructure is.

Did Indian Men Do More Housework During Lockdown? It Depends
By Ashwini Deshpande | 29 July 2020

It is also worth noting that the data confirms that, even with men helping out more around the house in April 2020, domestic chores are still overwhelmingly performed by women. In this sense, India is not an exception to the global pattern. It also remains to be seen if this trend persists after April 2020.